Podiatrists helping Podiatrists to manage, enhance, and grow their practices!

Today’s healthcare environment is more complex and burdensome than ever before.  Doctors of every specialty are finding it increasingly difficult to navigate through the paperwork, regulations and red tape, regardless of whether they are right out of residency or a seasoned veteran.  Because of this difficulty, doctors are abandoning practice altogether, or they are seeking out larger group affiliations to help deal with the burdens of practice.

 Ankle and Foot Centers of America was created as a solution, by the founders of Ankle and Foot Centers of Georgia, one of the largest Podiatry Practices in the nation.  It was designed to band together the best and brightest podiatrists in the country behind a set of core values and beliefs that focuses on patient care and physician autonomy.   Joining Ankle & Foot Centers of America creates a path to regaining purpose, identity, personal direction and  profitable practice growth.  At the same time, members have  a mechanism in place to exit practice when the time is right, at a price that is better than what could be achieved individually.  This is Podiatry for Podiatry.

Ankle & Foot Centers of America Practice Member Locations


Foot and Ankle Center of the Rockies